Pre-GoldenAge, Traveler Discovery, Golden Age, Darkness Discovery, The Collapse, the after effects (Forming the Consensus, Building the City, ect.), Destiny I, The Future/Sequels.
Being an Awoken breaks the game. I know your attention span is about 10 minutes #Destiny, so I'll keep it brief.
In game lore fact: Your character died before the Traveler Discovery. This is implied and stated through quotes and the story (or lack thereof).
In game lore fact: The Awoken were created by the Collapse, after they tried to escape into space. This is stated by grimoire, promotions for the game, and many other things.
Rationalized Opinion: Your character, an Awoken who can channel the Travelers light, should not exist because the Awoken did not exist until after the Collapse. Think about it. Your character has to be "Pre-GoldenAge" and the Collapse does not occur until later down the timeline.
So, Bungie, you screwed up. Now what? We get it, Staten leaving leaves the story much to be desired. The one thing you should not do is ignore this.
Plz Leik, Folo, Rate, Subscribe, Reblog, Sacrifice to Satan, ect.
[i]So, #Destiny, what do you think of this? Discuss.[/i]
Your Ghost states that youve been dead a long time, but nothing specific other than things might seem different, but you instantly know how to weild a gun and make use of your Class specific skills so you have some memories but not all of them. My theory is that your Ghost doesnt bring you back with everything intact on purpose, it scoured the land looking for a warrior and when it finds you it bring you back with just the basic killing skills to serve the Travelers purpose. As to you being an Awoken it is stated in the Grimoire that after the Collapse some Awoken returned to Earth and have been there since the founding of the City which was hundreds of years ago. Its easy enough to beleive that your character is either one of those Awoken who came back to Earth or their direct descendant. It also states in the Grimoire that the Queen is unfreindly to Earth Born Awoken along with everyone else. She's sees you as an outsider regardless, and considering what i stated before about your Ghost not bringing you back with all your memories its not hard to believe that an Awoken wouldnt know where the Awoken are from. Its also probably a case of Lazy Writing and or cut content, but thats the best explanation i can offer.