Once people get more familiar and better with the hard mode a lot more people will start taking more 31s. But for now most people are trying to get it done fast with 32s. Or that's what I think at least.
I agree. My group of all 32s have cleared Crotas End on hard twice now. Took many hours and a lot of frustration. Now that we know what to do, we might be able to take on one 31...might. Just not comfortable enough with it yet.
Don't hesitate if the 31 has experience and is a titan bubblebro. The bubble is super convenient. Oh and if they have gjalla or not haha. I'm a 32 warlock, 31 Titan and hunter. Killed him on warlock then joined another group with my titan. It was If nothing was different. Experience goes a long way is all I'm saying. We killed him and I finally got a primary :) the scout lol
Experience does help a lot. My main concern with 31s is not being able to take down Crota quickly enough and getting killed by boomers easier. Again, Exotic weapons and experience go a long way. Once people have the raid down, lower than 32s will be welcome again.