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1/23/2015 1:44:52 PM
I've read nearly every comment in this thread, and I am almost certain at this point that the folks "managing" this community have as well. With nearly 3 full days of this thread trending, there hasn't been a single response. Not one single, solitary response. Nothing. Though I can't hardly blame those who would be in a position TO respond, because every other thread in this forum is about one of the following topics: 1. "Destiny sucks" 2. "I want a <insert item name here> and I am angry that I didn't get it" 3. "Xur sucks" 4. "Nerf this / Buff that" There is NO real discussion from the "community" manager, and thus these posts run rampant on the forum. No one is moderating / deleting necessary posts that clog the forum. Are there even moderators on here? As an aside, in my professional life I am an account executive, and often play the role of "the messenger" - much like the people who would normally respond to this type of commentary. You know what though, I do what I have to in order to help my customers through whatever challenge they're having. Whether it's a bi-product of a lousy decision my company made (and believe me, there are so many it's hard to keep up), or simply a helping hand to reach out when something is misunderstood or misconstrued. Either way, I jump into the discussion because in the end telling your customer something they don't want to hear is invariably better than simply ignoring them. Not sure what it will take for the common decency of a response, but until a formal response comes; I would expect more of the same on the forum.- people getting more and more upset, and feeling like they've been cheated. This in turn creates negativity outside this forum, which in turn leads to more negative feedback. Bungie - don't you know what a Net-Promoter Score is? Do you care?

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