originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
I need an entirely new team. Mics are not required but are useful. I have a lvl 28 Warlock and a lvl 28 hunter and a lvl 2 titan(been to busy to play her). Anyone is welcome. I need people willing to do weekys, nightfalls, raids, and daily story. If anyone wants me to add them. Just say so. Idc about gender, age, or character level.
If your still looking for people I have a level 40 hunter light 288 and I have a mic. gt same as username
You can add me Scopes Inc(GT) and I got a mic
I am a 8 warlock gt SENTINALwings99
Edited by Caliente Sean: 7/17/2015 6:21:17 PMI need more destiny friends GT: Caliente Sean lvl 29 warlock
I'll join up with you. My GT is Rainmaker567. I have a level 3 Titan, just starting out.
My gt is Camo961 and I have lvl 34 hunter and a lvl 30 Titan and I need a new team as well so you could count me in
i want to join
I would like to join
Just add me
Edited by AureumWolf: 6/17/2015 8:07:42 PMSure. Add me. Gt same as username. I have a mic[spoiler]i have a level 23 hunter and a level 5 hunter and warlock I use for motes[/spoiler] [quote]From The Moon[/quote]
Edited by SpaceNoobz: 6/11/2015 1:41:07 AMStill need a team 5 months later?
I need a team, period. Sure... Add me.
All characters 30+ add xXkidxXxpk3rXx looking for raiders an nightfall personel have mic
Edited by Savathūssy: 2/20/2015 5:28:12 AMLvl 27 warlock gt is the same as above
Edited by Kornel916: 2/6/2015 1:26:54 PMhi i have a lvl 27 hunter, would really like to do raids weeklys and all that s**t :D gt: Kornel916
Hello I just started playing also and I'm pretty new to the game. So far im lol 12 jest finishing "The Archive - Ishtar sink, Venus //story. If anyone is interested in playing or helping me that would be great !!!. I'm usually on when I have free time as I work etc. My GT - flokiii
Edited by Llama: 1/29/2015 8:56:22 PMmy gamertag is heroicllama542 lvl 29 warlock btw my mic aint working :( im on xb 360
mine is slayer1065 i have a mic
Sure dude. My gamertag is Juice Justice.
I also don't have a mic.
My gamertag is BeerCyclops1018 lvl 27 titan
Hey. I'm running a Level 13 Warlock and I'm always down to play with people when I jump on. Add me. Gamertag should be the same as Username.