At 1030pm eastern I get on every night after work if u need help with HM Crota I will help u beaten it on all three of my guys I have a full proof way no cheese only reply or add me if u have gallahorns or ice breaker and heavy weapon synth. We work as a team will not carry u have to do ur part. Gt same as above. Xbox one
I need help have ib im lvl 31 titan ive been doin the raid since the start but still need helm and shards ive done hard raid up to deathsinger
Edited by Rasta Noni: 1/23/2015 11:32:23 PMI already beat it with 2 characters. Trynna help me with my 3rd character 32 warlock
I'll send you a message tonight. Sadly, I only trust 1 of my usual raiding buddies to be competent on Crota, so we'll be setting up an LFG group
If only you were on ps4 :/
Probably won't be on until tomorrow, but it'd be cool to go in with a solid group for once. gt is Earls Red Bar if you're going to be playing tomorrow night.
Xbox or ps4? I got maxed IB and like 4 heavy synth. Im on ps4