Frozen tundra?? Go back to elementary science class- Uranus is not Green Bay lol.
So do you believe that organic matter grows on Venus and Mars as well? Since apparently everything in this game is fact? I even stated that I'm aware of them being gas giants, see my Saturn option. It's a fictional game you tool
But seriously- jumping from moon to moon??
Obviously you can't jump moon to moon, maybe like portals or bridges on which you can drive your sparrow. Did you come in this thread just to attack me? If so, you have a sad life.
Driving your sparrow in between moons would probably take a few years. Not to mention they're moving.
Yea portals seem like a better idea I think
Would you hate me if I said yes? I have a problem... My name is Sam and I'm a troll. Acceptance is the first step, right?
That's why Warlocks have blink. We can make the jump...highly doubtful fir titans and hunters. ;-)
Hahaha ok. I am sorry.