*Gas giant
Nope, an ice giant.
Huh, just looked it up, I guess you're right, but its still just a nickname, it isn't actually made of icen its still gas and has a similar composition to Neptune. Well I guess you learn something everyday
Destiny is a fictional video game, good luck trying to prove it to be fact. Kind of like the organic material on Venus and Mars. Totally fact. Oh and the constant gravity on all planets, that's true too.
You can call terraforming on those....but you're right, it's fiction. It would still annoy me, though, since it makes even less sense then the other two.
Well there is ice on Uranus. Read the first paragraph. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranus
True, but how would they see through those clouds? Mercury would be a better option for new planets.
It wouldn't be bad. Any addition would be welcome honestly. But since you don't like my anus... Uranus, then you'll have to vote for another option.