I just wanted to remind them that House of Wolves DLC is already on your Destiny Disk
Happy new Year and merry christmas to the noobs..
Here is some info on that in case it got burried by the forums.
This was discovered by a reddit user during a bug and was later removed off the forum but later reposted on major news sites, so its hardly new info, but Christmas noobs weren't aware they were being lied to by Bungie, so I just wanted to remind them that House of Wolves DLC is already on your Destiny Disk, it just doesn't have any enemies.
Leaked Screenshots
For accuracy purpose, These areas do exist and people were able to glitch into them, but their entrances may have been patched already? Also, about the levels in the screenshots. I am assuming the levels are lower, because this was meant to be released with the full game, but now the mission and strike levels will be 10 levels higher, so 32 instead 22 for example. These are not fake by the way.
P.S. The entire Destiny the Game is 40 GB total. Just FYI. The Expansion is 3 missions, 1 raid, 1 or 2 strikes, and 4+ pvp maps. That will be a very small download comparatively. So please if you choose to post criticism, make it constructive.
Look on the back of the game, it says "ACTIVISON" Somewhere
You know, what's going on there has been explained before and the explanation makes sense from a production standpoint. Also, that big reddit fiasco thing was never confirmed whatsoever. It was just some dumbass giving the people in denial about how overhyped they got exactly what they wanted, a scapegoat. Can the people who pay attention please just catch a break from this stupidity and having to worry about explaining it? If any Christmas noobs see this, this thread is the result of a fool who can't accept that they got a rocket car instead of a gold-plated one when they bought a game. Please just pay it no mind and go on being innocent.
This has been talked about so much I really don't think people care anymore and if they do good for them
I'm just posting here to remind everyone that op is an idiot.
It's not uncommon for extra content to be already there. . Kinda has to be built into the engine.. ..sometimes they can't be used because of bugs or whatever ..imagine if you had to make one big folder on your computer, that held every idea you would have for a game.. from its art and concept ideas. .to finalized projects.. That's Priddy much what games are nowadays.. A mash of unused features..that only the 'bug free" can be used.. Goes down to business. . Can't sell a product that is super buggy.. ..but content...well that's up to the buyer..right? -> you should watch 'The Angry Video Game Nerd video : http://youtu.be/h6DtVHqyYts At least it's not this bad..
Too much truth for all of the 16 yr old Desticles who still play this trash game. In fairness though, it's mommy's $20 so why should they care?
So what if... Destiny brought out all the content at once and you're trough all of it by now. Would you're post be about Destiny not bringing out new dlc stuff? Please tell me more about other games which doesn't hold back content for future dlc's.
It's true, but I think this should be the last one that is one disc. And in not sure but I think the raids are added in later. Idk.
[quote]I just wanted to remind them that House of Wolves DLC is already on your Destiny Disk Happy new Year and merry christmas to the noobs.. Here is some info on that in case it got burried by the forums. This was discovered by a reddit user during a bug and was later removed off the forum but later reposted on major news sites, so its hardly new info, but Christmas noobs weren't aware they were being lied to by Bungie, so I just wanted to remind them that House of Wolves DLC is already on your Destiny Disk, it just doesn't have any enemies. Leaked Screenshots http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/10b3654f8d851ea67c3cae773402c293/200884764/destiny-dlc-glitch.JPG http://i.imgur.com/9nko9U5.png http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2014/09/wolves-720x397.png http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Md69B67V--/sq2ozyrfmkqo6cwkro4i.jpg http://media.bestofmicro.com/6/3/456411/original/DestinyLeak.JPG For accuracy purpose, These areas do exist and people were able to glitch into them, but their entrances may have been patched already? Also, about the levels in the screenshots. I am assuming the levels are lower, because this was meant to be released with the full game, but now the mission and strike levels will be 10 levels higher, so 32 instead 22 for example. These are not fake by the way. P.S. The entire Destiny the Game is 40 GB total. Most of it is Cutscenes. Just FYI. The Expansion is 3 missions, 1 raid, 1 or 2 strikes, and 4+ pvp maps. That will be a very small download comparatively. So please if you choose to post criticism, make it constructive.[/quote]
So basically what you are saying is: "Guys, I'd just like to let you all know I'm a negative jackass who has come here to bring everyone else down. I also have no idea how to make a video game much less one that has a projected constant content release plan spanning 10 years. Despite my lack of knowledge of any of this, please listen to my opinion as I believe my opinion and pessimistic attitude is worth way more than it should be." Right? Cuz that's what I got from it all.
Thanks for the reminder. Should save some bandwidth on the download! Really appreciate the heads up to get my excitement going again.
Zzzzzzzzzzzz... Get over it scrub.. you will buy it just like millions of others, and if you don't it's you that's missing out.
Nothing to see here... move on - Bungie
Edited by Unforgiven: 2/5/2015 4:42:54 AMThis is a great interview with Joseph Staten, the original writer who quit the project(or may have been fired) a year before Destiny came out. Why was he fired? I don't know. Why did he quit? I don't know. What I do know that so many people have issues with Destiny and when you hear this interview, you can clearly see all that was lost. It's really interesting to see, it's about 18 min long so watch when time allows. Direct Link http://www.gamereactor.eu/grtv/?id=118331 Note: Pay attention to the part where talks about the Big World That You Can Explore. I am not sure if he is playing the same game, that I am. But in my Destiny the Patrol areas are the biggest areas, and they are very linear and small. So possibly after this E3 was the time when Destiny changed its scope. Who knows.
Yeah I know, but I work so ill throw my money towards them for it because I suck and I want the content so bad. Yep I fell into their trap but who gives a -blam!- Ps if you say the word [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] <that's what comes up quite funneh
I look forwarding to purchasing it when it is released as intended!
Interesting post, thank you
Beating a dead horse, Nobody really cares anymore. Although I have an open mind and believe it's not disc locked.
Ya please come talk to me when we get a 2gb update again just like the dark below. Ya their are some things that are on the Disc but it's very little .
Translation: The content is on the disc in full. Except it's not.
Who cares less for me to download. I bought the dlc and love destiny.
Do you know how to fix this problem? "Leave now and never come back" - Smeagle
omg, there are still losers that care about this?? Dude, get a life/girl/hobby/friends/education or ANY number of things, and you will realize how unimportant this is.