I bought it but didnt use it yet, but ive been hearing soooo much crap about it! WHO LIKES IT. What are the good things? Is it a waste of coins?
I like it. Its fun to use. Needs a buff to its reserve ammo though. Not nearly enough.
I love it, I bought it from xur without thinking twice, unfortunately I haven't been able to level it up, I've been grinding ROC strikes for bad juju on my Titan so I haven't gotten to use it, I guess I could but then I couldn't level up the invective which is now actually amazing because of the buff. But anyways, it's a really fun gun and I look forward to popping dregs heads off with it in the future.
It's not for the faint of heart, also not for a shitty shot.... love the idea, but there is no reason for that ROF to be so shitty, I no it doesn't take an ogre to jack that bolt
I actually like it a lot, however I don't have so much coins for me to spend. I will be extremely like it if Destiny give it to me on Rocing. :)
It's fun in skirmish just to screw around with
Nope. People who say they like it are lying or trolling. Or retarded.
I love it
Love it can't wait for the buff
Edited by Camps: 3/2/2015 3:12:28 AM1300+ kills with it. Goml scrub
I was playing control once with a full team of no land beyonds and it was quite fun. We would do this thing where two people would travel in a pack and once we saw someone, we would simultaneously land shots on them to bring them down quick (getting headshots is tough). We didn't have much success but we won one game.
It's really fun to use. Not very practical in pve, but I hear good things in pvp if your aim is true.
Although I can't recommend it in PvE, it is an amazing weapon for PvP. A one-hit kill headshot with a Primary is always overpowered. People complain about its lack of a scope and its "long-ass" cock time. The lack of a scope makes it easier for closer engagements, and the cock time is not a bother if you can land a headshot like any decent marksman can.
Easy to get head shots at any range, quikscop scrubs in crucible
Better than ghorn
Right here bro
I like it
It's fun to use. It's just not very efficient.
It's the best gun, everyone who hates it is a scrub.
I love it. It just sucks.
It's so good I ran through vault of glass using only no land beyond
I like it, I'm just waiting for the inevitable buff
Fun to play with, fun but not effective
It is pretty a pretty bad gun, but its really fun to use in crucible to mess around and bother people. But even with that, it comes down t preference. Im sure itll get buffed someday.
I got it. I sucked with it. I barely even touched it. Now i play with it and im pretty decent.
Honestly love using it in PvP. I wreck with it and people get pissed because I snipe their heads off with the worst exotic in the game
I love dicking around with it whilst I do bounties.... That's about it