originally posted in:The Light Apostles
Alright guys! BroFire here to set up a raid schedule. The purpose of this is to gather a fireteam and to help each other out completing these raids weekly and teaching newcomers about the raids. If we can get a group of dedicated players to preform this on a weekly basis it would be great instead of having to pair up with random players. After all organization is key when completing raids. Down below you'll find the schedule when these raids will take place.
[b][u]Some rules:[/u][/b]
• [b]Must have a Mic[/b]
Communication is crucial
• [b]Please do not rage quit. [/b]
We are a team. Failure is expected but that is how we learn. Knowing is half the battle. Learn to trust in each other.
• [b]Have fun[/b]
[b]VoG Normal - 9:00am est.[/b]
[i]Must be minimum Lv 26[/i]
●[b]Lv 31[/b] xI BroFire
●[b]Lv 27[/b] II REDRUM II
[b]VoG Hard - 12:00pm est.[/b]
[i]Must be minimum Lv 30[/i]
[b]Crota Normal - 4:00pm est.[/b]
[i]Must be minimum Lv 29[/i]
●[b]Lv 31[/b] xI BroFire
●[b]Lv 31[/b] Charwulf
[b]Crota Hard - 7:00pm est.[/b]
[i]Must be minimum Lv 31[/i]
To sign up just comment down below your GT and Level, and which time and raid you guys are interested in. I'll add it to the list above.
Remember it's all about team work. Get to know each others strengths. Help out one another. And most importantly have fun.
[b]Together Everyone Accomplishes More[/b]
Sweet deal. You've been added. See you at 4pm We still got plenty of room people. Come join us
Gt:Charwulf Lvl 31 Hunter down for Crota's End Normal at 4:00
Thanks for joining REDRUM We still need more people.
II REDRUM II LVL 27 Titan down for the VOG normal
Edited by BroFire: 1/24/2015 6:23:06 PMhow can I delete this comment? Lol