I feel This is appropriate
*Kicks you in the dick and leaves*
*is wearing a cup* Bye, see you later! *waves goodbye*
A cup doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. I've been nutted with a dick bucket on, it hurt like a bitch,
But it's not as painful and that's enough for me! Besides I'm supposed to feel good right? It's what I'm best at haha!
*Shoots through cup with Joy 12 Shot Revolver* Two shots of .50 for ya.
*is over at the bar with UlcaM* What's got you so upset?
No reason you can't feel that way too man, just got to go with it and not let life get to you, you having girl troubles or just don't want me to feel good?
*Throws a Sledgehammer Triple H signs at your face* NEIN!
*gets hit in the face* AGH! *falls out of chair* Better? *is rubbing indention on face*
Edited by EwCringe: 1/26/2015 3:04:26 AM*splits you two up* Is there a problem here, sir?
nah fletch is the head bouncer and a personal friend! We're all good!
No. *Gets a steel chair*
*grabs bat and blocks chair* I'll take the sign but a chair's a little to much! *pushes back and jumps on the bar*
*Throws chair and a random ladder.*
*blocks chair and gets knocked off balance and slips on freshly wiped bar causing the ladder to miss* Agh! *reaches under bar and presses release for trap door under fletch*
*Leaps over bar and kicks you in the throat*
*rolls over dodging the kick and pulls leg out from under you*
Edited by Fletch: 1/26/2015 4:48:09 AM*RKO's on way down*
*is already on the ground any ways so just rolls out of the way*
*Chases and curbstomps*
*pushes off of the bar and dodges foot then handsprings up onto the shelf with the drinks* Can we just slow down and talk about this!?