Seems like every gun I would like in destiny is the one I don't get... All my friends are like 'oh but you got this exotic, I need that to complete my collection!' And it's like great take my -blam!-ing No Land Beyond or Universal remote, heck even take my Red Death... they're only sat on multiple Gjallahorn's, Hunger of Crota's (I know it's not an exotic, still want it...) and Icebreakers... And I know Icebreaker was sold and I picked up two from Xur, but guess what drops the second Xur has sold it... another -blam!-ing Icebreaker! RNGesus, have mercy
Your Gjallahorn is in another Destiny.... Seriously, it's probably sitting next to my Suros Regime. And I am starting to get hacked off with all these posts about all the wonderful exotics people have received and sharded, considering I have only ever had 3 drop- the rest I went out and did bounties for.