Seriously guardians...
Has anyone stopped to think how much you paid for Destiny? $60
Has anyone stopped to think how much you paid for COD4? $60
Have YOU even pondered the fact that it MIGHT cost more money to develop a game like Destiny? Yet it's still $60.
Have you even thought about the price of seeing a movie or going out doing whatever you do for the hours you have put in Destiny?
Has anyone zoomed in on Phogoths face? Have you ever zoomed in on a bot in BO1? See the difference? Same price!!
$15 for maps, equipment and more hours of play, you can barely go out to eat (ONCE) for that much now. Yet you've spent more time in Destiny then you most likely have in all other games you own. Just stop. You know that this game is amazing and that you will come back again and again. So show your support and pay that little bit extra every couple of months. Anyone?
Some people just like to sit in their poopy diapers and complain about it. Nothing you can do but ignore or have fun with them.