originally posted in:The Light In The Void
Dear Friends, please take some time and fill in your details according to the format provided below. I'm just trying to get everyone sorted out so that we can easily add each other as friends and get some meaningful sessions going. I'll start.
Platform : PS3
PSN : ZoziVora
DLC : Yes
TimeZone : GMT +8
Mic : Depends
Plataform: PS3 PSN: Marcheleinstein DLC: Yes Time zone: central Mike: yes, unless your a 12 and below which in that case no
Platform: PS3 PSN: tjuice12 DLC: Yes Time: Eastern Standard Mic: Of Course!
Platform : Xbox 360 PSN : PoliticalGravy DLC : Yes TimeZone : Mountain Time Mic : Yes
PLATFORM: PS3 PSN: FlaMinGDEVIL117 DLC: Yes TimeZone: GreenWich Mean Time GMT +0:00 MIC: yes
Platform: Ps4 PSN: Jean3451 Doc: yes GMT: -5 Mic: no
Platform: PS3 Psn: InsaneZetsu Dlc: yeah Timezone: gmt-5 Mic: always got it on hand
Platform: Xbox 1 Gamertag: Mcrae89 DLC:yes Timeline: Mountain Standard Mic: only when grouping.