What is the opposite of a dog, a cat you might think. But wait! A dog exists right? Well then the opposite of a dog needs to not exist. And a dog is an animal, this means the opposite needs to not be an animal! Have a great day flood!
*hits blunt*
Edited by OspreyDrone: 1/26/2015 5:51:57 PMOpposite of "dog" is "god" god has 3 letters and triangles have 3 sides . Dog is actually the secret symbol of illuminati . Hope I didint leave a mess from popping your cherry like Fukushima
This is silly.
Everyone knows the opposite of a dog is God. Sheesh...
The Greek numeral 0 is opposite of the dog then.
The opposite of a dog is a incorruptible corporation then.
The opposite in this case is [Sausage Sandwich], eaten obviously (due to nonexistence factor (probably applies to it's original state (Hot dog))).