Now, I love meat as the next guy/gal/cannibal.
But I'm doing an EPQ on GM agriculture at the moment, and have looked into the current sustainability of meat and fish farming.
Long story short, its gonna be -blam!-ed over the next few years thanks to rising population.
So, could you handle cutting out meat entirely? Or simply reducing your intake?
Or, do what I plan to do and move onto insects. Apparently fly burgers are very popular in Tanzania.
It's certainly not impossible.
I'm good, thank you.
Been a Vegan for 7 years, so yeah.
God no, I was born in the south
Nope. I could become white girl vegetarian, where chicken doesn't count as a meat.
I could handle not eating any beef. But, I would stiill need some chicken, pork, or fish.
I'll eat frogs instead
Inb4 fanatical bacon lovers. I have and could. I'm really not a fan of meat in general, I wonder why I even eat it sometimes.
No I don't think I could cut meat out completely but I have reduced the amount of animal protein I eat. Just to be a bit more healthy
I'd only become a vegetarian if I could still eat meat
7% know the way of life that could legit end world hunger.
Well if it were up too me we would reduce the amount of beef farms and increase the amount of turkey and chicken we have in our diet. I rarely eat beef. Ground turkey minimally seasoned is barely even noticeably different, and so much less fatting.
I'll eat bugs
Idk I eat steak every day would be tough
Sure. Being an Indian-American, I grew up mostly eating vegetarian food so it's not that much of a stretch. That said, after eating the vegetable dishes you guys make, I completely sympathize with your reluctance to give up meat.
I'm already one
You hash tagged yummy spiders however spiders are not technically insects. # I'm the douche who corrects everyone's minor mistakes all the time.
I wonder...
Lol. I'm already one! I WIN
I haven't eaten meat in 10 years so I'll be fine. Good luck to the rest of y'all.
Sure, but not like a full vegetarian. I'd still eat things like chicken and steak and pork. In fact, the only thing I probably wouldn't eat is vegetables. Shit is gross yo.
I just could live wit no meat cuz...bacon it's good for me
Meat, it too good
Don't insects need alot of food too?
Cricket farming will solve the world's protein problem