I really love destiny. If course it is not a game without faults and this includes that error code. I can't play longer than half an hour without getting a weasel error, and every known way to fix it does absolutely nothing. I really really love this game, and have lately been trying to get a legendary hand cannon, but all I've gotten was pulse rifles from the playlist. Problem is, lately The weasels have gotten worse and MUCH more frequent (the farthest apart they have been was 33.26 minutes(I timed it while I played a heroic activity alone) and I just wish I could reach my goals in this game, but that is impossible with these errors. Please fix these or at least try, and if you try and fail, tell us a way to alleviate the intensity and frequency of the weasels.
Edit: I should not be experiencing these problems as the equipment I use is the best on the market. 400 dollar Asus router, brand new cable modem that is the best available. I play on the Xbox one.
Hi there You may need to clear your cache, and power-cycle your router. You'll need to shut down your console, unplug it for 10 minutes and plug it back in.