So I mainly PvE but I feel like I'm missing a whole part of the game. Sure I've been in a few matches but unless I'm with a half decent team, I do very poorly.
Is there any advice from PvPers out there?
I'm not very adept with the fusion rifle but I hear they're the weapon of choice for beginners? Correct me if I'm wrong.
EDIT: Thanks to everyone for the very useful advice. I'll give crucible a go and hopefully I'll see some improvement over the next few days.
I'll let you know :)
Me and my friends just moved to PvP. Our solution was to field a full team or at least four of us. Makes the experience a absolute blast whether your annihilating people or being destroyed it is better with a team for sure. You will have more fun and variation in Iron Banner though as regular crucible forces the player to utilize a specific weapon set.