So I mainly PvE but I feel like I'm missing a whole part of the game. Sure I've been in a few matches but unless I'm with a half decent team, I do very poorly.
Is there any advice from PvPers out there?
I'm not very adept with the fusion rifle but I hear they're the weapon of choice for beginners? Correct me if I'm wrong.
EDIT: Thanks to everyone for the very useful advice. I'll give crucible a go and hopefully I'll see some improvement over the next few days.
I'll let you know :)
Alright, I main a Hunter so I will focus on your Hunter. First thing's first, why is your toughness so high up? You should be maxing out your agility stat, even for PvE. Put all the points up into agility, and the rest can be divided however you like among toughness and recovery. Do not use invisibility perks besides on the Arcblade in Crucible. They are completely useless since people can still see you. Use Hungering Blade instead of Stalker so you can quickly recover when you are in a melee situation or using Arcblade. What is the point in the higher jump? It slows you down, and you get less control over it. Use the more control double jump, and when you master it, Blink. You will need quite a bit of practice to use Blink, it's a bit hard to use, but very useful for juking players. Finally for your Bladedancer subclass, use the melee that gives you quick regen. Again, invisibility is useless as people can still see you, and often times when you melee the other guy will just melee back and still kill you, and you will have lost your melee ability for another minute or so. The quick melee regen gives it back to you after about 5 seconds or so, so you can use it constantly without having to worry that it's not charged yet. The Blink strike is very useful if you run a close quarter setup, as you can surprise an unsuspecting guardian by lunging MW2 Commando Pro style at him with a shotgun. It is one of the longest ranged melees not counting the throwing knife so chances are you can melee someone before you even get in range of his melee. As for guns... Never, never use that Super Good Advice. You probably already know this, but just in clase you don't, do not use that gun. Any blue or even green will replace it, and it takes up your exotic slot. Think that's it. Just keep in mind the agility on your Gunslinger as well if you intend to use that for PvP and you're golden. Good luck!