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1/27/2015 3:27:47 AM

Bungie fix the hard raid cheeses pls

Theres still a way to cheese the bridge in normal and hard mode. Just one person has to get over and just hide there while the warlocks and everyone else on the side will wipe and self res after the ads despawned and kill the ogres and everything from the other side. My thought is just to bring the super everyone on the starting side to 0 if everyone on the starting side is dead and atleast 1 person on the other side is alive so the self res cheesing can be finally stopped. Also there is another cheese where you can make the Gatekeeper in the Crota fight 'stuck'. One person has to stand on top of one of the caskets (?) in the room where that Crota waterpool thing is and the Gatekeeper will just look at this person forever and the whole team can still use the mid room strat without any problem. It's a goddamn Gatekeeper cheese. The Gatekeeper is in there for a reason and not to be stuck looking at a Guardian hiding on top of a casket. If you could remove these 2 cheeses hard mode would be atleast a little bit less cheesy and it would actually be hard to defeat it. You guys gotta do something about the self res cheeses or just remove the perk completly from hard raid I don't care but come on do something. Hope I could help by telling you.

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