So I mainly PvE but I feel like I'm missing a whole part of the game. Sure I've been in a few matches but unless I'm with a half decent team, I do very poorly.
Is there any advice from PvPers out there?
I'm not very adept with the fusion rifle but I hear they're the weapon of choice for beginners? Correct me if I'm wrong.
EDIT: Thanks to everyone for the very useful advice. I'll give crucible a go and hopefully I'll see some improvement over the next few days.
I'll let you know :)
Edited by Clutch: 1/27/2015 2:58:58 PMWatch some streamers or some YT videos to see different tactics being used(wish you luck is a very good player). Learn map control, map spawns, heavy spawns and know when to leave a fight when you're at a disadvantage. Always shoot the head and know when to be aggressive and when to be defensive. Almost forgot pay attention to the radar and listen to when supers are being popped. Stay by teammates and don't rush unless you have the advantage on a flank.