Hello everyone, I make custom controllers and sell them. You may be thinking "well so do other companies, what makes you special?" Well to be honest I am a huge gamer and I love to play games, and for the longest time I wanted a custom controller that fit me, and my style. I was doing some pricing and I found that they were so expensive, it was honestly ridiculous. So, I set out and learned how to customize my own controllers, and I realized I can do this for way cheaper than the other guy will. So I want to sell controllers this isn't a future career so I don't see the need to have a $30.00+ dollar mark up. My controllers are up to and sometimes even more than $30.00 cheaper than the other guy. My goal is to provide only quality products that I myself would use, and that I could count on every single time especially on those long grinds.
NOTE: I currently only mod PlayStation Controllers, I am working on learning the Xbox One Controller.
Here are the things that I can change on the controller
-The Button Color
-The Front Shell Color
-The Joystick Color (I can also add Xbox One Joysticks to the DS4)
-A Lightbar Decal (Contact me with a request)
Here are the links to my shops where you can buy my controllers and order custom ones.
[url=http://www.etsy.com/listing/218288024/custom-un-modded-ps4-controllers?ref=shop_home_active_1.]My Etsy Store[/url]
[url=http://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Wireless-Sony-PlayStation-4-dual-shock-controller-Non-Mod-/181642229231?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a4ab875ef]Ebay Black/Lime Green Controller[/url]
[url=http://www.ebay.com/itm/181648285738?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fsch%2Fm.html%3F_ssn%3Djef-lis%26hash%3Ditem2a4ab875ef%26item%3D181642229231%26pt%3DLH_DefaultDomain_0%26_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D181648285738%26_rdc%3D1]Ebay Superman Controller[/url]
I sincerely hope that you consider my controller shop in your search. I'm always looking for ways to give you better deals. For instance I was able to drop the controller price by $5.00 recently, it may not seem like much but that could be the difference between you getting that piece of DLC and not getting it.
Thank you so much for reading, [b]if you have any questions at all please contact me at UNGControllers@hotmail.com , on here through messages or through the websites.[/b] God bless you all and thank you again for looking!
I have completed the Superman Controller and it is now up for sale! I am still taking requests on super hero controllers, I have the parts for a Batman controller as well. I can do other themed controllers just ask!
If you like what I do please share and get word out about me. The quickest way to contact me is email, thank you and God bless!
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