I'm not going to write a novel on what I want or expect out of this game, I'm honestly just calling out Deej due to his lack of interaction with the community. His posts are one sided, giving little to no feedback, and it's to the point to where it doesn't even feel like they look at the forums.. I've used forums for many other products/games and a response may have not been the same day or week but there was still a response.. All the spamming of the same post is a result of no response or acknowledgement to the community... People are enraged with the shady progression of destiny, often being left out of the loop and being ignored, the community of this game is neglected, and the one guy who's supposed to acknowledge us.. Barely even replies.
I see a trend of more people losing faith in this game, and its primarily due to their lack of faith in bungie as a whole.
Edit #1 - I'm not asking for promises or for him to cater to my needs lol I'm looking for a community manger that actually gets on the forums and sheds light on many of the communities questions. If it's impossible to do something that people want in the game then let us know, if he voiced some of our ideas in the past how are we supposed to know? Until he actually updates the forums on the progression of the game, you're obviously gonna get the same suggestions over and over. Deej is literally our only voice to the dev team...
Edit #2 - I don't want you all to think it's just about fixing or adjusting the game, it's solely about the communication with us on the forum... If the forum was moderated on a regular basis, a lot of the problems people may have with either the game, the community, or the forum itself could be resolved in a way that's better for us and bungie. Why should I have to open a thread on reddit to understand the situation with the crux of crota... Game suggestions is just one of the many examples that display the lack of communication.
Edit #3 - I'm not complaining about the game.. Or "whining" I'm just expressing that I think the overall moral and atmosphere of the community could benefit with more communication from Deej (or anyone in the team)
Meaningful communication and addressing bugs harmful to the players would be a great start.