Why would the furthest planet from the Sun not be covered in ice and look like a desert? Space Magic? These things confuse me
This question is so weird I don't know how to react.
Edited by TheBadBK: 1/27/2015 8:38:49 PMBecause the dooflagems haven't zapped the zippit on Mars therefore Mars can't flagulate the toasters to send the dog into orbit to zap the volcanoes that zorg keeps in mars's atmosphere to jaculate the penis
NoNoNoNoNo! First the post that thinks Destiny takes place millions of years in the future and now this?! Do any of you even know how to [b][u]SCIENCE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?[/u][/b]
You look so incredibly ridiculous after posting this...send me your address I'll send the noose
I'm gonna have to stop you there.
If you are being serious, you have some reading to do: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars
I wonder why aswell, Mars should be cold but you know Bungie doesn't care about simple science!
The Traveler changed it's colour. It's in the Grimoire. It moved it millions of kilometers from the orbit we know today.
The furthest planet from the sun (if you consider it a planet) is pluto genius
You didn't just say this lol
Edited by RogueProgramEXE: 1/27/2015 8:35:59 PMIt's NOT a the farthest planet away from the sun that's why lol. It's a desert cuz there's NO WATER ON IT(or very little)
Bad troll is bad
Edited by Endgame77: 1/27/2015 8:26:42 PMMaybe because Mars is red in real life?. Me having to say this troubles me....
Please be troll. Please.
Edited by macSt0ney: 1/27/2015 8:24:03 PMOoh so thats why they call it the red planet....hmmm Water is needed for ice
It doesn't have it's infamous rings either... That upset me a little
I believe this to be a post disguised as a lure, just because it does not have a #satire bound to it does not mean the author did not intend it as such.
I don't even have time to explain why OP probably belongs in a mental hospital.
Where'd the damn snow go? #spacemagic
Because the darkness duh
I think it's purple yeah its defiantly purple the last time I checked
Edited by Eden: 1/27/2015 8:32:05 PM
Mankind is doomed.
I have lost all faith in humanity. Justin Bieber made me lose most my faith but you my dear friend has made me lose all of it.