Hello, and welcome to the Floodian Assassination Post Service, or FAPS. Let's play a game. Put up a name you hate in the comments below, and our [i]top men[/i] will deal with the rest. Now get out there and get FAPping!™
[b]Most Hated User:[/b] Mad Max/SpaceDandy
[b]Confirmed Kill List:[/b]
- Jolly RJ956
- Taticool Badger
- Jolly Bear
- Shortbusregular
- Mad Max (2/5)
- Rookie Santa (1/2)
- Verbatim
- the gay Batman
- Xboxdotcom (2/3)
- XMAS Core
- ThatGuy
- Engrapadora (1/2)
- InstaSnow
- JesusOfSuburbia
- Camnator
- Batman
- o___________o (1/2)
- Sand Man
- SpaceDandy (2/5)
- DeeJ (2/3)
- Ms Mulberry
- Plasma Eagle
- CounterKringle
- Egg Nogginator
- BobTheRanger
- Suck the teabag
- Recon Number 54
- Christmas Name
- COD3 red
- Rumple Foreskin (2)
- A Christmas Jew
- King Basket
- The Great Trig
- SnowyS7ven
- Marre98
- Gurumanlives
- Silversnake57
- Silent Bob
[b]Certified Assassins:[/b]
- SpaceDandy
- Sanctimonious
- DigitalAddiction
- XMAS Core [SPACE Core]
- gingerbreadman [Batman]
- christmas shark
*[i]If you wish to become an assassin, you may apply via pm[/i]
*Assassinations occur in comments, and may occur more than once. This thread is a SAFE zone.
[i]You've been FAPped[/i]™
[b]UPDATE:[/b] Some changes to make things less complicated, enjoy!
You're all adorable.