HybridNerdzGaming is recruiting competitive and active members to be apart of our online gaming community.
We are a competitive, organized, and active gaming community who play & compete in Call of Duty, Destiny, Halo and many other games. Were founded in late November as a Call of Duty Ghosts 360 clan but we have now expanded to Destiny among other games on the Xbox One. We have been very successful in the competitive scene in Ghosts (placing in the top 100 in UMG ladders and being in the top 50 of all clans in Diamond Division clan wars) and plan to continue our success in Advanced Warfare and even Destiny if a competitive scene emerges. We are sponsored by Cinch Gaming, NoScope Gaming Glasses, and BattleBeaverCustoms
If you are interested in joining us, please read our basic requirements:
1) You must be at least 17 years old
2) You MUST be active on our clan website (basically just use our chat box and use our forums occasionally)
3) You must have at least a 1.0 k/d ratio in the Crucible (preferably higher)
4) Play with other clan mates (in raids, strikes, crucible, etc) and have fun!
(If you plan on playing Advanced Warfare with us, please note that there will be more requirements regarding Clan Wars and our k/d requirement will be much stricter)
If you fit these requirements and would like to apply to join HNG, please apply on our clan website: [url]http://hybridnerdzgaming.enjin.com/recruitment[/url]
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me on Xbox Live - GT: Hybrd Lightning
Alternatively, you can tweet us for questions as well - @HybridNerdz
- Lightning
I am a good player looking for a team, i am on the xbox one. and i am 15 my gt is Aize SniperZ