We have 5 gjallahorns in the clan. I'm using it to regain health & because I have a 331 hunger of crota. I just had used all my rockets by this time.
Sweet i have a maxed out Suros but did not know it had that chance to regain health.
Yes suros regime perk
Lol shows you how often i use it. Mainly my Badger CCL with explosive rounds sits in the primary unless it's a nightfall like this weeks where abyss defiant took its place.
Because on Hard the Suros has a chance to regen health. There's no chalice so that or Red Death are perfect for regenerating health. Otherwise it's all about the armor you wear (or the right melee chosen).
good to know. I have a maxed out suros that usually spends its time in my vault space.
St least you aren't calling me an idiot for using a gun in the raid lol.
Lol if you get it done idc what gun you use. It really doesn't matter to be what the primary is because i use Ghorn and Blackhammer. Blackhammer for the Swordbearer and boomers (if i have to wait for a cooldown on rockets).