Finding them in crucible is rarer than find a winged unicorn equipped with the vex
I have yet to actually play with another girl. It sucks sometimes. Guys are fun to play with but I need some fellow girls to kick some ass
I don't think it's weird that girls play in the crucible. I'm a girl, and I find other girls there (that might not be guys with girl characters).
Then I must a rare unicorn with a vex. I'm a female gamer, and I really don't think it's that uncommon... Given, I have mostly male friends, probably because I like do raids the most. Don't get my wrong, the crucible is so much fun, but I love doing raids. Keep your eyes peeled young grasshopper, we're really out there.
What are you some lonely noob looking for some female guardian love,cuz if so go talk to eris in the tower
Seriously??? Guess I am Rainbow Dash then (insert sarcasm)... I am female and the Crucible is how I leveled up my character for the most part. Use the mic too. Usually the only female in Live Party but the guys don't make a big deal out of it. Not as uncommon as you think.
I have a few girl gamers I love to play with. With all the guys I play with nice to play with girls and get a break. Lol feel free to add me, lilmrs13
I have some not many friends who happe be to be girls... And i only play with one once is a while (usually nightfall/raid) this game is a sauces fess xD If your good i sure would like to play with you (: Ps4: DaddyGhost28
I have a few female gamers n they do raids n everything wit me i mean if anyone needs help im always willing to help i get bored playing on 32s all the time wit nothing really to do
It is rare. But I think its awsome .
My female game mate is my very best partner, reliable and fun to team with. She's the first friend I look for when I log on. Some are reluctant to use a mic because of immature males.
Why does it really matter if your male/female i have 2 really cool gamer friend who happen to be girl but i also have alot if guy friends. As long as i can have a good time with whom ever idc when we play if your male/female.
I have many female friends that play, some are really good and some are just fun to play with, it's about good times! Hate it when guys rag on them...they are the ones that make it bad for the guys out here that like to play with females! I just got a friend the other day that is actually better than any guy that I know! Guys that have to rag on girl gamers are just lonely perves that can't get laid, and need to feel superior but are actually just bottom feeders! #Girlgamersrule
I never use my mic in crucible... A lot of times, no mic = serious female gamer who's had enough of the sexist assholes, fyi
I'm on the 360, and have about 5 others on my friends list. Join us! Gt: SailorGallifrey
Female gamer. Play lots of crucible and usually, I'm the only one with a Mic. :/
Is this something players really check on? I don't think I've ever checked to see if a player not in my chat is a girl. Too time consuming.
But we're there
Xbox One Level 32 F Need Players of any gender
If anyone needs help with anything like nightfalls, raids and all just want to have fun and play crucible or something I'll be happy to do those kinds a things with anyone I have a 32 titan and warlock and another titan that has 32 gear but not upgraded I play on ps3 and name is jet_phin
Male or female im looking for some people to make a clan with add me on ps4
I'm a female gamer, but I don't ever play crucible.
Girl Gamer add screen name ps4
I need other girl gamers to play with... Too must testosterone. Add me to play on 360! :) [b]MusT Be QueeN[/b]
I would love to play with females Add me RRARIBOYZ PS4 I'm on always on
Crucible sucks
Need 3 for crotas raid at death singer check point 32s preferred n we have a sword bearer.... Need titans n warloks add psn: platinum16