With 900 hours of gameplay, 3 nightfalls, 3 Vog, 3 crotas every week and there's still nothing to show. I've been hunting this ghorn for months and have done everything to get it. You can darn take 250 strange coins from my vault to have that bleeping ghorn at my postmaster! I know it's all random but when my buddies are winning there 3rd and 4th ghorn and I'm here without one, that's just not cool at all.
Hope you read this and see my side of how doing all this for one gun and not have it drop is crazy and can consider finally just giving me one.
A hard working guardian
(Xbox 1)
Bungie please reply and help me get this gun
I'm SO with you there pal.. Since hard Crota came out you get yourself in a fireteam - They boast about having 3-4 ghorn's - Yet after the 1st rotation 2/3 of the ghorn players are down :-// WTF ! It WILL come - Hopefully SOON!