originally posted in:House of Raiding
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get on these forums, play with your clanmates. help them get loot and I'm sure they'll return the favor. use our clan to your advantage and let us know when you want friends to play with. sidenote, if you have a clanmate in a raid, please don't spam them with invites. if they're midraid they're not gonna leave to help you with your thorn bounty. just send them a message and they'll get back to you, if you need friends, put it up on the forum. but it's a two way street. let's help everyone out guys. that's what this group is about.
you guys who are being active know who you are ^.^ but we as admins have the vision that everyone will reach out and play with new clan members! so find new members who post on here, add them and group up. and don't forget to check the Group Forums, not just the main messenger!