I bought The Dark Below in the UK, but I have a US account. I want to use The Dark Below on it. Is there a way I can contact Bungie to change my code to a US code?
Is there a way I could swap this code for another, which was bought in the US?
And lastly, if neither of the two above have answers, is there any sort of workaround so that I can play the The Dark Below DLC?
Edited by Spawn: 1/29/2015 6:46:46 PMThe official workaround, is to obtain a base game from your region. https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12459 There is nothing Bungie can do for you. Bungie does not control the region locks, and does not control your PSN account (and its attached licenses). That is all on Sony. You can try contacting your retailer, to see if a refund is possible, if you haven't entered the code.