I would like to start a petition and gather people's opinions on adding in a shooting range in the tower.
The idea is, at the tower we arrive from travel and prepare ourselves for our next adventure, I don't know about you guys but sometimes when we are out in the world we tend to find engrams, and once in a while those engrams may give us a cool new weapon or piece of armor ( If the crypt arc is feeling generous ) be it Legendary or Exotic, one of my first thought is, "I would like to test this baby out before I depart!". Unfortunately in order to do so, you have to sit through loading screens to pick a planet, then sit through more loading screens to get to said planet, the go find ammo if it's a heavy, or waste an ammo pack just to pop off a shot or two and head back to the tower, and, more loading screens.
So, why not open one of those many closed doors (or many potential spaces to add doors) and have it a walk in firing range? perhaps as soon as you cross into the room you enter first person mode, pick a spot, and have at it on some target dummys. Along the side somewhere have ammo drops sitting around, or maybe you instantly have full or unlimited ammo when you enter?
I know what some people may be thinking, "Well that sounds like a great way to fill up on heavy ammo for free!". Well another option would be to have an understanding that when you exit the firing range via going to orbit from inside the range or just walking out of the room, maybe your heavy ammo is all removed, your special ammo as well, and your primary ammo is halved, or your heavy ammo is removed and your primary and special ammo is halved. Just so people don't take advantage of the range.
I understand that Bungie has much more pressing matters to attend to regarding Destiny and this may or may not matter to anyone, but I thought it would be a cool or at least an interesting idea for people to have something more to do at the tower than just stand around and curse at the crypt arc. and a great way to get a taste for what your set up is going to be like without having to sit through loading screens to go into crucible or traveling to a planet to test out your gear. After all, one of the many purposes of the tower is meant to be a place to prepare for deployment right? It seems fitting, but that's just my opinion.
Any thoughts or ideas? Have a suggestion on what could possibly be in this range or what part of the tower could lead to it? Do you think this would be something you would want to see at the tower? Let Bungie know here, and just maybe we could see something cool like this happen.
Just go and patrol old Russia my good fellow
There could be a combat reflex part where u don't have any guns exept golden gun if u are a hunter
We already have a shooting range. It's called Earth: Old Russia. I'd rather have so many other things than target practice.
We should
Yeah you could go to the gunsmith and idk like give him 150 glimmer to try a certain selection of weapons like what xur is selling that weekend and just shoot it down range to test it.
Guardians would spend their time shooting heavy mags at each other the whole time
This is an amazing idea.
People were asking for this before the game came out lol
Shooting range... Mayhaps it has a damage tracker so you can compare effectiveness of weapons perhaps?
Shooting range with gambling... Yes, that would be great...
@TheExoticGuardian Be sure to give credit to the first person ever to say "Grow a brain".
This is a good idea but I feel like if they added this then everyone would be pissed off that they didn't fix this or that glitch...
I really like that idea (Justin or CJdude9 whoever came up with it)
Dude what the heck i posted this exact thing yesterday plz give me credit for coming up with this idea
This is a great idea. Having a range to test weapons out would be a great addition. I think I'd like to have testing weapons be an option before purchasing them, actually, so we can get a feel for a new weapon before buying it. Or giving us the option to return it within a certain amount of time after purchase.