I'm trying to solo Ir Yut on normal mode with my lvl 32 hunter and I just can't do it, anytime I go to kill her I end up getting anihilated by her or by the mobs surrounding her or I'm just lacking time. Since it's starting to really piss me off I was thinking to get this done with my warlock, and I was wondering if you could revive yourself as a sunsinger after getting killed by the liturgy or if you couldn't. I guess not but I'd rather ask to be sure.
I solo it with my 32 hunter. Use bladedancer. I normally take the witches down with a fire type sniper. Shriekers each take 1 g-horn shot. Then I just go invisible and jump on a door in the crystal room. She usually starts her liturgy a little after an it only takes a couple g-horn shots and some shots from my primary abyss defiant.