Let me go down week by week, mmkay? DL:DR - Sunbreakers: 4x in 9 weeks, not since then /\ Voidfang Vestments: 7 times in 10 weeks, not since then /\ Starfire Protocol: 4 times in 3 weeks, all in the last 4 weeks. Proof that Xur is NOT RNG, and that we can expect Half Life 3 any day now.
1 - Sunbreakers
2 - Sunbreakers
3 - Apotheosis Veil
4 - Sunbreakers
5 - Voidvang Vestments
6 - Light Beyond Nemesis
7 - Voidfang Vestments
8 - Voidfang Vestments
9 - Sunbreakers
10 - Voidfang Vestments
11 - Voidfang Vestments
12 - Voidfang Vestments
13 - Light Beyond Nemesis
14 - Voidfang Vestments
15 - Claws of Ahamkara (wow something new!)
15 - Claws of Ahamkara (lol, jk)
17 - Starfire Protocol
18 - Starfire Protocol
19 - Obsidian mind (bricks were shyted)
20 - Starfire Protocol
Edit: Yes, Xur could be on a weighted system or a two roll system to determine which item he sells. I do not think so as his inventory is exactly the same as week 17. If Xur is RNG, then it is a really bad RNG.
Edit 2: The only other thing I can think of is that BUNGiE tracks which Exotics are in use and sells ones from a list that is compiled of all Exotics that are below a certain % of use in the playerbase.
Edited by Trilidoor: 1/30/2015 10:08:32 AMYou didn't really offer any proof that Xur is not RNG. If it really is RNG, than things can come up multiple times in a row. There really aren't that many exotics, so they could come up multiple times in a row. Now selling all Dark Below exotics is better proof that Xur is not RNG. I believe this is the third time that he has sold only Dark Below exotics. Edit: You guys realize I agree that it appears not to be RNG. I disagree with your proof and presented what I think is better proof. Take a 20 sided die, roll it 20 times and keep track of the numbers that come up each time. It is very possible that numbers will cluster for a bit then go away. It is very possible that after 20 weeks a certain number didn't come up. How many different Warlock pieces are there? We aren't talking large numbers. Now what are the odds that on three separate weeks all items sold were expansion items. These odds are of this happening are much more unlikely than a certain item never appearing, or one item appearing 4 times. I agree with you, I just don't like your proof.