Welcome to the forums guardian! Sometimes spending time here makes you feel like you have succumb to oracles, but ignoring the dregs of the forum you can come here to put a smile on your face, and see the best quotes/photos of the week in case you missed them! :) - I shall be updating this often, so be sure to bookmark and come back for more! ENJOY!
If I've missed something good please submit it to me! :)
Entry 7:
Various comments on "how you know your addicted" some gems in there ;)
By: jbfresh73 - bassitglory - sherlocked x - kc kewlz - fballguy - mu5t4ng gt - Added 30/01/15
Entry 6:
Back with another destiny newspaper! ;)
By: wahine808 - Added 30/01/15
Entry 5:
A guys response to finding a girlfriend on destiny.
By: TheGecko - Added 30/01/15
Entry 4:
The best Crota sword combo! Memories! ;)
By: gsteww - Added 30/01/15
Entry 3:
When asked the weirdest thing a girl had done with them.
By: XSEAN - Added 24/01/15
Entry 2:
Part 1: [url]http://s8.postimg.org/fbxwmhq1x/10949737_10205742777598643_1384081027_n.jpg[/url]
Part 2: [url]http://s29.postimg.org/cb00fbtk7/10937843_10205742777558642_846634928_n.jpg[/url]
An Xur rap. It's priceless!
By: Peru2600 - Added 24/01/15
Entry 1:
Destiny weekly newspaper! It's amazing!
By: wahine808 - Added 24/01/15
Added entry 4/5/6 :) enjoy!! New paper clip as well yay!