Pre the DLC, I would make sure I did the daily in an attempt to get Ascendent Material to level up my armor and weapons. Post DLC there's really no point to do the daily missions especially if your weapons are already maxed out and you have the new Raid Armor. I haven't done a daily in a while and the only time I do is when one of my friends is doing it, but I just usually join for the conversation
Not after I did Omnigul can got 15 spinmetal and a crappy pair of blue gloves... Not worth the time nor ammo
I'm still after energy now and again and it's a good way to kill time waiting on my meals cooking in the oven. If it's a post DLC mission though I sometimes skip it though as they can be a bit more time consuming.
Sometimes. If I'm doing a bounty that can be completed while doing the daily I'll do it. Most of the time I'm playing with friends, and we're either doing the nightfalls, weeklies or raiding.
I still do. Gotten some legendares guns and got Dragon Breath as a legendary engram drop while doing one.
I normally do it if I have gear or a gun that needs to be leveled up. Not really in it for the material, but the 7500 xp reward is nice.
I only do if it's an easy mission for hte free mats really
By accident.
I do. I still need shards for my lower characters' guns/armor
I'm about 99% sure the XP bonus doesn't apply on my weapons anyway. I turn in a bounty for 5000 experience and I'll see my gun move. I do the highest level daily that should give like 7000 experience? I see no visible gain. This is ever after using the gun in the whole level. I've viewed it before the final kill so as not to skew it with XP I've gained from kills and I compare it after I hit the results screen. Can anyone confirm it actually does? It goes to armor just fine.
It helps with marks if I don't feel like doing strikes.
I do. I got a Legendary Engram that turned into Harm's Way the other day. I've been missing that machine gun ever since I accidentally dismantled my previous one.
If I'm levelling up an exotic armour the experience can be useful but that doesn't happen much these days. Occasionally I need the resources and despite the fact I could probably farm more in the time it takes to complete the mission I still do it. Or if it is the third story mission as it only takes two minutes.
I still do it because of my completionist bend. Also, ascendant energy is still somewhat useful for me as a 31.
Little bit, I don't bother with nightfalls, they can't really give me anything I want, weekly I might do just in case Xur has an armor I don't....
No. I have 600 shards and 600 energies.
Last week or two weeks ago, I used to get a legendary engram prolly 7/10 dailys when using either seeds, or black wax etc. having seen one drop in a while tho
Not really, got no need to unless it coincides with a bounty.
Nah. They've become useless for me. However I might start again to stock up on ascendant material just prior to HoW dropping. Who knows, may need them to buy that vendor gear
I dont need or want ascendant mats, so I only do the daily if there is some armor I'm trying to level up (because weapons dont get the xp from the mission)
For the love of the game, please continue to not do the Daily. It is the only way they will realize having Raid specific upgrade materials was a bad idea. It is something that takes the whole rest of game out of balance.
Yeah. It's a good source of exp and maybe I can clear some bounties in the process. I am also running low on ascendant energy since I wasn't very smart in choosing which 331 weapons to upgrade.
No... Stopped a long long time ago
I have stopped doing daily a long time ago... And I have skipped last week's weekly as well.
When its a form of mats i need i do them
Yep, I never do much VoG so it's the easiest ascendant material access. Plus it gives a fair amount of xp