So here's how it works: fuse any amount of exotics together (weapons or armour) and post your result!
Have fun!
[b]Edit:[/b] Thread is back! Let's see your Taken King exotic fusions!
Ice breaker+necrochasm+gjallarhorn Full auto, ammo regening gjallarhorn that cause every target killed to explode
Super Bad Advice Heavy Pulse Rifle that removes twice as much ammo for every missed shot "Take off your pants to show 'em you really mean business"
The Last Word + Thorn = 3 Strange Coins (God #&@$ RNG!)
1 exotic
No first words to juju
Black horn
LastMoon, RedJuju, Simulated Truth, Tri-Blade (exotic swords), SUROS Supercell, and Curse of Spades. That was pretty fun lol
The First Word. A revolver that is full auto and high impact.
The Bad Rabbit Body shots stack extra precision damage, super energy on precision, and ammo regenerated on precision.
The last red monte suros plan hard mida multi GjallarThornMoonChasm infinity advice juju horsemen beyond's breath
A few months ago I was so bored at work I would spend hours at a time combining exotics in my mind trying to come up with the best combination of 2 or 3. The most OP exotic I could create was the following Super Bad Breath (Super good advice, Bad Juju, Dragons Breath) Heavy machine gun, with all Super good advice stats but with all 3 exotic perks Essentially it's an unlimited ammo fireball festival. Every bullet makes a solar grenade and since almost every shot is returned to the magazine, you can make a shit ton of fireballs. Not to mention if said fireballs kill something, my magazine is refilled thanks to the bad juju perk. Death, hell, and of course Super Bad Breath.
The Icehorner. Regenerating rockets with Wolfpack rounds!
For fun, The Red Promise (Red Death and Dreg's Promise) burst fire pulse with high ricochet rounds and heal on kill
Touch of Gjalla Perk 1 last rocket does double damage costing health Perk 2 Wolfpack rounds
Celestial symbiosis Obtain 4 shots for GoldenGun that do 6x damage Or Golden Gun now only has one shot that does 24x it's original damage.
Black sleeper, 3 consecutive headshots returns all ammo to the magazine
The Bad Word (TLW + Bad JuJu) -Fan Fire -16 in a magazine Exotic Perk: Every kill refills the mag, charges your super, and increases stability and critical damage while hip firing.
Bad time gtg.....
Dark drinker Raze lighter Bolt caster = God Slayer Exotic sword that can change damage types like the murmur. The R2 would be like the super from the Blade of Crota, but a lot bigger.
Telestohorn. Delayed explosion but when it does explode? Wolf pack rounds
Fusion with fusion-Plan Simulant Plan C + Sleeper Simulant Fast firing fusion rifle with sleeper beams. Sleeper roll for ricochet rounds. Lol so much dmg and bounce!
The first word (The first curse and the last word) Hip fires like the last word Fires while ADS like first curse Gains the stats of last word while hip firing and vice versa