But what if your beard grows as you continue on during the game. Like if you're new then no beard. But then as you okay for a month you start to grow a beard and the longer you play the longer your beard gets. Your beard is showing who you are and how experienced you are.
Just good for thought
Just imagine having a 4ft long grey beard that would be sick
Your beard length is directly proportional to your grimoir score! That would be AWESOME!
This would be good! depending on when you started it gives you extra length or different styles of beard as you progress Clean shaved - first month of play 5 o'clock shadow - 2 months of play Stubble - 3 months of play Thick stubble - 4 months of play Short beard - 5 months and so on and so forth or something like that to give more customisation
Started beard in September now huge! Constantly being called Jesus,Viking,hippy & so on so after 5 months it should be a full on Brian blessed! ;)
Give it another 6 or 7 months padawan, it only gets better. My current beard has been growing 10 months.
Plan was originally just a 6 monther! Normally put on a winter coat but kept it in check thought sept to march! But excuse the pun kinda getting attached to it! ;) probably will keep it if it doesn't feel to hot in spring & summer! ;)