Well flood this is a role play thread (will not die)
Hey flood! I just opened up a hotel! Come in!
This is me ^^ fixed
Owner: [u][b]Ospreyassault [/b][/u]
Window washer: [b]wookie on crack[/b]
Head of Security: [b]KiiD[/b]
Bartender: [b]tidefan[/b]
Cook: [b]VengefulSiren[/b] [b]sloppy mc floopy[/b]
Receptionist: [b]Water Puppies[/b]
Manager: [b]Billy[/b]
Moose: [b]pokepatrick[/b]
Fork: [b]THE FORK[/b]
Heavy commander: [b]gasawock[/b]
Creepy grounds keeper: [b]PicanteLuck[/b]
Elizabeth Taylor: [b]veration[/b]
Emu commander: [b]Wundernuffle[/b]
Russian hotel stayer:[b]ThePowerKnight [/b]
Assassin: [b] awesomeman303 [/b]
Hot cleaning lady: [b]NIGHTSTAlKER445[/b]
Tavern owner: [b]TrevDaddyz[/b]
Fish: [b] Magikarp [/b]
Owner of potato kingdom: [b]potato god[/b]
Sexy newlyweds: [b]hungover hobbit and Lisa Ann[/b]
Bathroom attendant: [b]SquishyFace[/b]
Janitor: [b]OrionSolider23[/b]
Kitchen supervisor: [b]Lemontoes[/b]
Did it die?
Can I sacrifice the guests who don't pay? Because I really like sacrificing stuff o_o
CEO of wall mart??
It died...
I'll be the 360 no scoper
Today's Menu: Sloppy Joes Sloppy Hoes Toothpaste + OJ Milkshake Salad w/ butter dressing Methamphetamines An 8 month old child... With fries
If you need a clean window comment here.
Was hapnin in deese kitchens today then?
Just let it die man. I wouldn't be telling you this if we weren't related, but this just needs to go away.
Can I work here I need money to get these lemons off my toes.
I thought I was supposed to be the kitchen worker!
I'll be the goat whisperer
I call being the janitor. Someone has to clean up after magickarp...
I'll be the wizard cat.
I'm the forklift
Hey guys um looking for a place to stay for the night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
I'm the classy pianist near reception, I charge 3 1/2 slices of cake per hour
I'm the fancy car in the parking lot.
hello! everyone get back to work!
*rushes in with assault rifle* DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE *empties rifle into sexy newlyweds hungover hobbit and Lisa Ann* Die mother -Blam!-ers!!!!! *throws egg* GRENADE GET DOWN *runs out*
Wouldn't it be more fitting if I was the Bartender?
Can I be the two creepy twins in the hallway?
*shoots osprey* I saw you in #destiny, it's the only way, I'm sorry
Some might say I make a mean SLOPPY joe... Hehe get it?