And how did you become what you are? Is it in the family or did you choose?
TBH I'm not too interested in hearing about the religion of atheism, but knowing the atheists here that's not going to stop them from being obnoxious.
im really atheist but secretly the creator of teabagology...
Atheist One of my beliefs is that "what you have is only borrowed and must be returned to the earth"
I chose to become baptised then confirmed
Edited by Falchion: 2/6/2015 9:18:01 PMMuslim. I like the teachings of the book. It makes some pretty good points. Even if there isn't a God, the Quran teaches good moral and actions. Don't bash me for being different.
I'd call it Adogmatic Theism. I believe there is some sort of God, or God-esque entity out there. I also believe that any being claiming to understand it is either trying to sell you something or not even close to the mark. How could we fathom something that supposedly created the entirety of existence?
Christian but I'm not about to go trying to "spread the word" cause I find that annoying.
Edited by TunnelSnakesRule: 2/6/2015 9:15:23 PMan agnostic that hopes deities exist and there's something after death Not really religious though
Edited by cesar0s: 2/6/2015 12:07:46 PMNone. I like the community of a church congregation...but don't need the crutch of an invisible boss man. This forum has the worst representatives of religion...I'm surprised anyone thinks religion does any good after reading what the majority of the "religious" write on here. Buncha heathens. P.S. why did you only specify Abrahamic religions, and put "other" for everything else? Do you have something against them?
Atheism isn't a religion, but most retards and toddlers don't know that.
I was brought up as a Catholic, but I'm now an Agnostic Atheist.
My religion is the hatred of religion Ayy
Drew-diasm. We speak Hedrew. Our capital is the city of Drewusalem.
I like how you insulted atheists, making them more likely to respond to your derogatory comment.
Other pastafarian, all hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!!
I'm jedi
First United church of RNGesus. I believed in his power and love, but I knew he had a special purpose for me when he finally gave me the universal remote a few days ago. I intend to spread the good news of his infinite love and grace to all corners of the globe. May his light shine upon you all, guardians.
The great DEVOURER!
I have no loyalties myself, but I do have theories. To save on time the following paragraphs are copy/pasted from a different, but similar thread. I hope it presents a decent read at the very least. [quote]I theorize that every religion is potentially correct and that their respective deities and spiritual entities exist on separate sub-divisions of a much larger spiritual plane that exists parallel to our own, and that which afterlife you go to is entirely dependent on how you live your life as well as which faith you follow. In the case of those who don't believe in any sort of afterlife and reject the possibility of any existing, upon death I theorize that their souls have no need to maintain the bonds that hold themselves together and they dissipate into the energies that they were created from, to be recycled into the souls of new lifeforms. However, I also theorize that this could happen to all disembodied souls after a certain period of time once their bonds naturally erode away through the passage of time, the only exceptions being the various deities whose existence are entirely dependent on the faiths of their followers to provide them with the energy to maintain the bonds of their souls perpetually. I'm always reworking the specifics of my ideas as time goes on, but the basics of them such as those included in the first paragraph are relatively concrete until I find something to disprove them.[/quote]
That one religion... forgot what it's called...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ism