I just got around to upgrading and using this.
Unlike the majority of Heavy Machine guns in Destiny, this weapon fires slowly but has massive impact!!!
I personally think it's the one of the best, if not the best Heavy Machine guns in Destiny.
What are other people's opinions?
My favorite heavy machine gun, got one in a package from dead orbit, void, surplus and stability perk, the impact is crazy
I used mine I the Iron Banner as it was the only 331 dmg machine gun I had and found it to be pretty good, Zombie Apocalypse WF47 still beats it in the regular crucible though in my opinion.
Edited by UberLord Parker: 1/31/2015 12:44:52 PMI still can bring myself to shard my Arc Zombie Apocalypse w/Field Scout and surplus, but I bought one because it was the only 2.0 Arc variant off the shelf... and I liked the stats and perks better than the others. The surplus ammo perk comes in handy in PvE. I was pleasantly surprised with Deviant Gravity.
Got one from a package that has arc on it, been workin on it lately but I've only ever liked slow firing MG's. It's a pretty nice gun.
Ye I use it quit often, I have field Scout on mine also which bumps the mag from 30 to 60. Wrecks bosses, especially phogoth arc burn a few weeks back, was taking a quarter of his health in one mag
have it maxed with field scout and shot package. BEAST! still switch to truth in crucible.
My fully upgraded corrective measure is good too! :P
It's pretty damn good. I got surplus and persistence.
i just got an Against All Odds tonight, its the only lmg that has the same impact as Jolders Hammer (68 according to DestinyDB) and i got lucky enough that it has Counterbalance, Field Scout, and Crowd Control
Couldn't tell you how many of these I dismantle. I do have a couple that I keep for their elemental damage and they are the bees knees yo!
This is the best HMG besides thunder Lord, got 74 dmg on a headshot, and 110 WOL. Best crucible Heavy
I like it..reminds me of the swarm j once had...better than the vanguard mlg272839
I broke mine down. Didn't get perks I liked. At least deviant gravity is better looking than those other color schemes. Blue on red is just a nasty color design on weapons. Looks like a toy gun
Against all odds is superior
I think it's one of the best machine guns in game. It's my go-to heavy machine gun in PVE and PVP. Good range, stability and reload, and decent impact too. Holds more ammo than the Vanguard machine guns as well.
It's a great gun. But jolders hammer is way better! That thing destroys in PvP.
Have 1.0. My favorite!
Yes I do
Yeh I got a few from DO packs.with field scout it's a great MG.pretty much a legendary thunder lord
I've got two. The stability perks and 60 round mag makes it great. I run The Culling over it on my Titan, though. My Culling has a 150 round magazine, stability upgrades, decent impact and a blistering ROF. Plus, it has 450 rounds total. I wouldn't trade it in for the world. That MG rips through any threat in PVP and PVE.
I like the swarm better for pvp. It just seems to be more accurate.
Ground pvp which I hate just for this gun.
Completely rips in PvP
I got two of them, going to buy a third one. Low fire rate with high impact is perfect. If it was the Opposite, as it is with most MGs, it's just like spray and play with an auto rifle.
yea i have one and can get it to max stability with a perk haven't tried it out yet tho