I'd been carrying a Husk around for about a month, figuring there was nothing to do with it until I had all the parts to upgrade it. Yesterday I finally got a character to Level 3 with Eris and bought the Orb, so I spent the morning shooting Hive until the Husk was ready to upgrade. Add 1 Embalming Orb, you get a serviceable little legendary rifle. Not too shabby. (Also, I accidentally typed that "Emblaming Orb" first time; sounds like a Forum relic.)
Now comes the eerie part. I start using the Eidolon Ally for all my activities. I'm shooting Fallen, Cabal... and Hive. I'm patrolling the Moon when I come across and kill a Blade of Crota with my Eidolon Ally, and what drops out but another Husk. This morning, same thing. 2 days in a row. As if they're... [i]attracted[/i] to it, somehow...
This is starting to creep me out, man.............
Ohhhh. Make a creepypasta about it :)