Mars orbits around Jupiter you idiot that's why we havent flown there yet because asteroids
Just wanna point out the sun and pluto...... Not planet's! The sun is a star Pluto is an astroid
Pluton is a dwarf planet
The earth is a star too you idiot
I never said it wasnt.......
Do you even science
You gave me stupid reading this.
This one has the dumb.
Get off my Troll TROLL
Mars does not flow around Jupiter. You twat
Go to school dumb ass
Go to a good school dumbass
I got my grade 10 4 years ago and I'm already about to pass 12
Then you'd know the planets go Mercury Venus earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus Pluto, and that all of these planets orbit round the sun. Asteroids are between Mars and Jupiter, so they wouldn't affect us going to Mars.
You forgot the sun after earth. ..
Nah the sun is before mercury
Thats a relative statement
Yes, relative to the center of our solar system, which is how you count since everything is in orbit around the central star, our sun.