It's 2015 and a great time to work on improvement and testing your limits. Whether you believe so or not, using the correct techniques will get you far in a short amount of time.
This year I'm setting up monthly challenges for the art community. However this time I really hope to include those who don't think they can draw for shit
[b]Please[/b] feel free to join in any time.
Alright, now to business. January is going to be the hands and feet challenge.
Each and [i]every[/i] day in order to participate you will draw four [b]sets[/b] of hands or feet (if you drew hands the previous day then the next is feet. And so on)
Before you do (and this is critical) sketch out a set of either or without a reference.
If you don't know what a reference is it's simply a stock photo to work directly from
After that use several different references to sketch out your challenge. Incorporating your style is encouraged but please try to work directly from your stock photo.
At the end of the month you'll see you've gotten better. At least a bit
Post each day you participate! Good luck members
Heres me final small mix. Overall, I think I have improved, hell I ain't too bad at free handing the hands now. I'll still work on both though. Will you continue to update the challenge?