Dear Bungie,
I spend too much time flying to the vault to change characters! Everyone does this. Why can't I manage all of this on my iPhone and just transfer my guns between characters? Then all I would have to do is change characters after making the switch (understandable). This would make functioning on this game so much easier for the gamer and I cant imagine it not possible in terms of coding for the developer.
Please consider this as an option for players.
The Gamer
Not everyone has a phone. Should be able to access the vault and all character inventories from orbit
2 words, SHARED VAULT. We already share Glimmer, why not weapons, ammo, materials and consumables. It makes so much sense.... why haven't they done it??? Simple, they need to rack up play time, the more time consuming the activity the more played time, usually good for statistics. who is all about stats and numbers???? Usually corporate pigs....
don't know if you haven't realized it yet... but they don't want to save anyone time. they want to have us waste as much time possible on this chit
Why not just start at the tower?
How about just being able to do it from your ship?
I made a similar thread awhile ago like 2 months. Apparently they can't because of passive data server connections and active
I would love this. But the reason, from what I've been told by programmer friends of mine, is it would be relatively easy to give all your characters Ghorn and whatever else. It could potentially ruin the game with file editing.
It will never happen raweereeer