This. Is it. We are finished.
There is too much chaos. I cannot handle everything. This place has been a time bomb from the start, just waiting to break apart. And in one last bid to control everything, we merely activated the catalyst. We are too broken (oh the irony) to continue on like this.
But I ask one thing. One simple thing of all who have set foot here. Remember it as it was, not as what it became.
[spoiler]Yeah, so this place has gone [i]waay[/i] out of control, and I'm not on here nearly enough to control everything. This was a broken system.. And, as you can see, it didn't work. After 50,000+ posts, it has finally come to an end. Don't worry, you'll still see me around the forums, and even in a lot of the other RP threads, just not here[/spoiler]
[spoiler]One more thing:
Thank you. Thank all of you for helping to make this place what it was, for being the largest RP thread on bnet. Hell, maybe even the largest thread in general. Truly, this was a fun ride while it lasted.
Edited by PerfectVexGlitch: 3/25/2015 11:16:09 PM*Artiller Sal has started an unwarranted firefight at the imperial Embassy.*
*cracks neck* "So. Any newbies need some training?"
*The trio approaches the Dojo*
Hey guys! Javelin launchers that shoots javelins! 6 per clip! (revolver like clip) Trade or money, 1500 gold, price negotiable.
Edited by Frog: 3/25/2015 10:21:35 PMI am going to go on a treacherous journey today. I am going to... Canada...
*[i]Apocalypse[/i] class battleship releases a [i]Rhino[/i] class cruiser and 2 escorts, it maintains distance while the trio keeps going*
*the elite guard bot begins to have a seizure*
Wat is dis place
The Ritual is complete.
*walks in looking normal intead of bulky cyborg like* So i got some different prosstetics lighter more human like. and some new trcks i still pack a punch but not such an explosive attitude.
*Imperial [i]Apocalypse[/i] class battleship appears on the Horizon*
IM FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! [spoiler]just got CAST off about an hour ago![/spoiler]
*Vertibirds land, and begin offloading new weaponry and tech*
*fall like a rocket inside the DOJO* you cant ever get to much salty Saly
To any who don't know cobalt has made chapter 3 if you are in the dojo group you can view it
I return! I found some more resources to strengthen the dojo... Oh, Cobalt, I found that hardlight generator. A few AI cores, a BFG and some rare gems that can probably be used for magical or technological purposes. And that's it... *notices something in a sack of loot.* What's this? *looks at ancient feeling datapad* Oh. Oh, this is bad. I also found information on a... Matter I need to take care of. [spoiler]Questline, later.[/spoiler]
Edited by Political Pedro: 3/25/2015 4:25:36 PMGreetings, I am from the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Sovereignty. I have 'Observed' your battles and wish to participate in one, If possible.
*puts on drake lord amulet* damn this is gonna come in handy
Maybe I'll get my newbie training g tommarow Q.Q
*reopens smoothie stand*
Edited by Schruef: 3/25/2015 2:57:07 PMHm. Yes this will do. *takes a brick from the dojo wall* <.< >.> Good. Good. *gets on a sparrow and boosts away* (not the bird) [i] [/i] The sound of cracking comes from within the wall. [i]The foundation is beginning to shift and crumble [/i] Edit- the wall is breaking apart under its own weight.
Give it like 5 days the thread will say it's destroyed again
Waits patiently for training-
I'll be gone for a few more days. Tty guys then!
Get to the choppa / ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° _ノ ヽ ノ \_ `/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ ( (三ヽ人 / | | ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄ヽ ノ ヽ___>、___/ |( 王 ノ〈 /ミ`ー―彡ヽ / ヽ_/