This. Is it. We are finished.
There is too much chaos. I cannot handle everything. This place has been a time bomb from the start, just waiting to break apart. And in one last bid to control everything, we merely activated the catalyst. We are too broken (oh the irony) to continue on like this.
But I ask one thing. One simple thing of all who have set foot here. Remember it as it was, not as what it became.
[spoiler]Yeah, so this place has gone [i]waay[/i] out of control, and I'm not on here nearly enough to control everything. This was a broken system.. And, as you can see, it didn't work. After 50,000+ posts, it has finally come to an end. Don't worry, you'll still see me around the forums, and even in a lot of the other RP threads, just not here[/spoiler]
[spoiler]One more thing:
Thank you. Thank all of you for helping to make this place what it was, for being the largest RP thread on bnet. Hell, maybe even the largest thread in general. Truly, this was a fun ride while it lasted.
To everybody that goes, goodbye. I have hope that oneday you will return to this place and it will still be here but we never know. And as a finish this goodbye i say that all of you are awesome.
Edited by SonacyOfTheHams: 3/24/2015 4:55:30 AM*Is unable to come up with good departing speeches* Okay... 😧 I'm not great at these, nor have I claimed to be, but I will let everyone who is leaving us tonight that you are in our, [b]my,[/b] memories. The lot of you are essentially a second family to me, and it pains me that some of you most go. I won't tally on, because I don't know what else to say, I will leave you with a quote from Shakespeare himself. Farewell, to all who will no longer be with us. [i] "But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored and sorrows end" [/i]
People's accounts are going to be deleted tonight?
Edited by DigitalNinja: 3/24/2015 3:54:29 AMThe time for goodbyes is nearing, it seems. To all those effected by this, I thank you for your help in making this place as big as it is now. I never expected any of my threads to ever become this popular, but here we are. And you all have helped make this place into a community of itself. For that, you have my gratitude. As I'm sure many have said before me, we will remember those who's accounts will be deleted. If you are able to return, a spot will be reserved for anyone who has once been a member. *salutes*
Good bye those who are going tomorrow you will be missed by me and many others
*salutes all those who may leave us* I speak for most of us when I say this; I didn't know you for too long. But in the end, it didn't matter. You were with us. You interacted with us. You fought against and alongside us. And finally, you became part of this community. Some of you are older members of the dojo, perhaps joining before me. It's a shame to see senior members leaving... But just know that your legacy will forever be left with us if you leave. Salazar, I plan on writing again soon. You will have your own chapter dedicated to yourself, and probably Nixon as well. Goodbye, my brothers I have not known for too long. But brothers nonetheless. *salutes once more*
Edited by IntrepidTurtle: 3/24/2015 3:49:10 AMFor all of you to be lost tonight... Today... Is your last stand on And I hope you've enjoyed it... Instead of posting pornography and and going out "with a bang". It is better to go out with a whimper with your integrity, than it is to go out in a blaze of glory as that person with who made everyone hate them. I hope that you have made your mark on a positive one is what I'm trying to say. It is known that many Alts will be deleted, and that's not a very big deal. But there are many people who use google for their mains. So, to all of you who will be left in the darkness, we have enjoyed your company, and we hope you have a nice life... *salutes*
*strikes the ground with a grestword palces a letter which reads For Inflotable pants and walks away*
*lands ship* I found a few things on my journeys. Some raw materials that can go toward strengthening the dojo, and a few energy generators that look like they can create constructs from fuel. They're a little busted, and one makes blueberry muffins. God, the amount of muffins in that crypt were unreal. Anyone want some? [spoiler]also, Cobalt, can I talk to you in the replies here?[/spoiler]
*begins construction of the EYX- Heartbreaker an assault rifle/ DMR hybrid*
May I join the Dojo?
Should i give up my nanosuit so that C.E.L.L will stop?
Edited by HangPoliticians: 3/24/2015 1:59:21 AMThis may be my last night. You all may have to go on without me. But I will find a way to return. *salutes* [spoiler][b][i][u]I always do. ALWAYS[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler] Remember me as a person. [b][i][u]Not as a thief. [/u][/i][/b]
Official Lieutenant PSA: Tonight, I ask one favor to the Dojo. I ask that we all salute those we will be losing tonight at midnight as a last show of comradery towards them. See you at midnight. *salutes*
*puts case in shelf at my quarters*
I offer you the cane in which I have whipped multiple people with. Ease except my offering, as I am excellent at Strategic Planning.
*opens up shop in Starbucks* Hello, ladies and gentlemen. It's your resident enhancer and modifier, Phoenix. But that's not all. Today, I proudly announce the beginning of a partnership between Dinorush and myself. He will create and sell blueprints and weapons in the daily special, as well as regularly. Any questions concerning gear that him or myself has sold goes directly to its respective manufacturer. Also, I wanted to start daily specials that corresponded to different days. Today is MELEE MONDAY! *you hear swords clang against each other* *you hear a faint scream in the background* Shoot... I should've just used blunts. Anyway, today is all about getting up close and personal. Knives, swords, hammers, maces, anything melee based. 3 melee weapons and 1 other weapon are sold today for the daily special. Other days will have special deals and choices for different gear, so look out for that. Questions about prices are to be asked when before purchasing any item. Daily Specials: [spoiler]Energy Stealer (knife) Slicing an enemy will drain adrenaline, giving it to you. Increases your movement speed by 20% and reload speed by 30% on a flesh hit. (Dinorush's seal of manufacturing)[/spoiler] More melee weapons coming out soon! [spoiler]Crownpoint Mk.22 (Turret Launcher) "Sensors... Optimal. Analyzers... Optimal. Kill Systems... Optimal." Turret Launcher: Launches turrets. Turrets are equipped with an auto rifle. Only one can be up at a time. Turrets can be deployed on walls, ceilings, or floors and deploy as soon as they come in contact with one. They deal heavy damage and push enemies when being launched. The turret has no recoil and doesn't reload, but has an infinite clip. It has hipfire accuracy and the stated range. It can only spot enemies in 80%-100% effective range. It can turn 360 degrees in 1.5 seconds. (This tells you what the turning speed is like) The launcher doesn't reload or fire while the turret is up. Instead, it changes between three modes: Red (default) Attack mode. Attacks the nearest enemy. Green Defend mode. Attacks the nearest enemies that are attacking allies. Orange Target mode. Prioritizes the strongest enemies. Turret Appearance: a black circular base with 4 triangle ends protruding from it. A small glowing light based on enemy or ally is on the back of the base is the precision spot. The turret head is an auto rifle suspended on a pole with two thin "energy pipes". The turret deploys by attaching the triangles to the wall, and the gun rises out if a covering and steadies itself. Drone Mode: Fires a drone that can move around. (Drones follow the same turret rules. They have a couple differences though) They move at walking speed. Drones move half the speed while shooting. 1s more deployment time and 50% less velocity. While in guard mode, it follows. Appearance: a black quadrotor with the gun below it. When it deploys, the wings unfold, it reorientates itself right-side up, then it's gun pops out. It has no precision spot due to all shields. Appearance. Looks like a black grenade launcher, with the turret/drone in block forms. It has an open space where the rocket would go with the turret/drone in block form at the barrel. It has a short barrel with 4 triangles pointing at a 90 degree angle. The gun is steampunk themed and has pipes with a stock. The pipe releases steam when fired and a glowing light under the open space represents the current mode. (Dinorush's seal of manufacturing)[/spoiler]
*opens shop* You guys get the drill. I sell pets and pet items. You buy them.
*F-35 squadron from ENV Broadsword flies over Dojo*
If any of you have a Google account, I'd like to add it to my funeral thread since bungie cancels support for them tonight. Let me know what your username is and I'll add you to the board. And go check out the thread, "If you have a Google account..." If you'd like to pay your respects to those we lose tonight.
[b]Magikarp has been eliminated[/b]
[spoiler]great... C.E.L.L dumped meh body into the penthouse pool in the hotel thread i want one of you to get there, retrieve my body and activate the bio-foam injecter[/spoiler]
I challenge Dinorush to a duel!! *tunes guitar* Just trying a new weapon.... :3
*C.E.L.L operatives finally leaves and leave a note to rez me cause i wasnt killed*