This. Is it. We are finished.
There is too much chaos. I cannot handle everything. This place has been a time bomb from the start, just waiting to break apart. And in one last bid to control everything, we merely activated the catalyst. We are too broken (oh the irony) to continue on like this.
But I ask one thing. One simple thing of all who have set foot here. Remember it as it was, not as what it became.
[spoiler]Yeah, so this place has gone [i]waay[/i] out of control, and I'm not on here nearly enough to control everything. This was a broken system.. And, as you can see, it didn't work. After 50,000+ posts, it has finally come to an end. Don't worry, you'll still see me around the forums, and even in a lot of the other RP threads, just not here[/spoiler]
[spoiler]One more thing:
Thank you. Thank all of you for helping to make this place what it was, for being the largest RP thread on bnet. Hell, maybe even the largest thread in general. Truly, this was a fun ride while it lasted.
[spoiler]Shadow got one of the endings QUest ended almost.[/spoiler] *Sal notices the Emily is injured* *the mask overheats and falls off* *a tear drops* BASTARD! *ungages Mulligan and heads for the capitan killing acolyes on its path* BURN IN HELL !!!!!!!! *uses the rocket pucnh on the capitna hten graabs and throw him* *impales him with the harpoon* GET RIGHT OVER HERE!!!!!!!!!! *Upercuts him into orbit* *jumps up to him* SALAZAR OVERKILL PILEDRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *piledrives the cpaitan into the ship* *the ships expldoes with the acolytes fallign deatht ot ehg roudn and Sithis goign back to normal* *wlaks out injrue by lots coverign emily which is intact from the blast* He. i am sorry i let..g o I really thoguht it was...*falls to one of hsi knees* Her. *falls to the gorund. his last stim pack is in emily*
[spoiler]the real world needs me for once[/spoiler]
* looks 4 elder mantra*
*The entire [i]Fleet of Ascending Freedom[/i] enters the atmosphere*
*Outlaw Company forces begin tending to the wounded and cleaning up the damaged areas. Water is passed out by soldiers from armored trucks and med-evac helos begin ferrying the wounded to medical facilities*
*wakes up on the ground with the mask that was put on me beside me* What the fùck happened.....?
*I limp out of the nearby woods* "GUYS, THERE IS A HUGE BEAR IN THE WOODS!!!!" *I collapse mere feet from the edge of the woods*
*XTOR - 108 inspects some pre-war tech* Intresting...
*sits in a tree eating ears*
Edited by Reborn Salazar: 5/2/2015 1:36:56 AM*a storm covers up the dojo* *multiple Venus ships open up with Mehcnical Acolytes charging towards the dojo* *THe venus capitan stnad sin the back and comands* YOU SHALL NOW PERSIH UNDER THE BANNER OF THE GLORIUS EVOLUTION!!!!!! *a rather weird bodyguard complitely covered in a huge cloak stands besides him* [spoiler]READ DWON BEFORE YOU JOIN IN!!!!!!![/spoiler]
*drags a robber by the leg and throws him in a ditch *
Can you guys invite me
*works tirelessly on computer* I'm almost done.
*A man with messy dirty blonde hair,green crystal eyes,a black cowboy hat a dark blue scarf that covers my mouth and hangs in the back,a black vest ebony gauntlets and boots a sword hilt with no blade, a ebony crossbow on his back a completely silver revolver with silver bullets and his left sleeve is torn off and a purple gem is lodged into his hand and veins glowing orange are branching off of it and a mockingbird is perched on his shoulder walks into the dojo* I wish to prove myself.
*Launches nuke at dojo*
Edited by Reborn Salazar: 5/1/2015 9:01:01 PM*the Venus Ships is still besides the Dojo* *the capitan and his guards aprahc the gates again* *a gruad knocks the door* (capitan) May we be able to talk to someone in charge now?
[b]forces disperse [/b] Great there gone Probably going to rebuild and comeback
Do you lads require assistance?
*a rift tears open across the sea as two full carrier fleets move in in formation. Aircraft begin pounding ground forces, as Enclave Tesla units are deployed via helicopter and Vertibird in the Dojo. Battleships swing their 406mm cannons full broadside, and fire armor piercing depleted uranium shells into any available targets. Frigates fire antimatter missiles into ships and mechs alike, as a rift opens on land and tanks, mechs, and LAVs roar out. All of them focus fire on the invaders, and begin decimating them*
[b]light, medium and have units advance at the walls as aircraft is getting shot down [/b]
[b]hops up on wall in a mini mech suit and fires a 20mm lmg [/b]
I will be training howver wishes so. [spoiler]Shadow ill train you here[/spoiler]
[b]The ground rumbles and groans with The Mind's power, and a wall of stone and earth rises behind the Dojo.[/b]
*sees the huge ass ships above me from my tree* *taps a few commands into my watch* Protocol C activate, silent, though, don't wanna give it away. *listens* *nods* Good. *jumps from tree* *slams fists together, sparks fly from them* Whose first?
[b]The ground beneath begins a low, metallic drone, as The Mind's gears begin turning, altering the weather and agitating the beastly wildlife.[/b] ...///COMBAT READY. [Digital Ninja], INPUT ORDERS.