This. Is it. We are finished.
There is too much chaos. I cannot handle everything. This place has been a time bomb from the start, just waiting to break apart. And in one last bid to control everything, we merely activated the catalyst. We are too broken (oh the irony) to continue on like this.
But I ask one thing. One simple thing of all who have set foot here. Remember it as it was, not as what it became.
[spoiler]Yeah, so this place has gone [i]waay[/i] out of control, and I'm not on here nearly enough to control everything. This was a broken system.. And, as you can see, it didn't work. After 50,000+ posts, it has finally come to an end. Don't worry, you'll still see me around the forums, and even in a lot of the other RP threads, just not here[/spoiler]
[spoiler]One more thing:
Thank you. Thank all of you for helping to make this place what it was, for being the largest RP thread on bnet. Hell, maybe even the largest thread in general. Truly, this was a fun ride while it lasted.
Who thinks we shoudl make corpse kebaps from cole. Yay or Nay?
Edited by cyberattaq: 4/23/2015 2:29:04 AMHave you ever seen a gun that shoots diseases! Probably not!
We need a bit more than 800...
*runs to Coles cell* DAMNIT! He's gone!
*goes back to regular patrol duties*
*The NCR arrives for cole*
Ladies and Gentlemen! Gather around for the grand opening of my brand new gun shop! Stop in and get your first day orders or buy something of the shelf! But hurry! My stock is limited!
Made A Restaurant......
*continues waiting *
Came to the grand opening of my gun shop! Where you can buy any and everything from handguns that fire poison bullets to rocket launchers that shoot acid canisters!
No one wants my guns...
GUYs!!! Don't have the party without me!!!
*draws a picture while leaning against a tree* [i][/i]
*sits next to a pond* So calm and quiet
*Falls asleep in a tree*
Someone please duel me. How about you? *Points to ninja*
992 LEFT!
*Exits with various party supplies* Just getting ready... We're getting closer by the minute.
*enters quarters*
Alright everyone gather up, it's time to decide what we do with cole, H3ADSH0T's killer
There is something that has been continuously brought to my attention in the past few days. I have been getting a lot of complaints regarding Vex. He does his job, but many people have claimed that he goes to far. I do not wish to stir trouble on either side of this issue, so I am unsure what to do. I believe settling it here will allow everyone to voice their opinion and discuss.
[spoiler]Hello everybody: I just wanted to let you know that j won't be very active, seeing as I'm still sick. I will notify you all when I start being active again Sincerely, Mulligan[/spoiler]
*walks up to gate in trench coat* Come and observe my fine wares ladies and gentlemen, I've got a special selection of high powered fire arms that are... Shall we say, unique *smiles* at cheap and reasonable costs. And if I don't have what you need... I can make a special order....
*walks to front door and knocks* Hello? Any cake to spare?
1,057 posts until 40,000