Have a giant Archon, or Kell, have a bigger shrapnel gun with invisibility. At the beginning of the fight, one person is designated to pick up a relic called "Servitors Wisdom" or "Bane of the Kell" that allows them to see invisible ( like, completely invisible ) Fallen. I'll mention that again later. When the boss gets damaged enough it goes completely invisible, leading the relic holder to tell other players where he went, leading to taking down his mega super mlg elite arc shield, and damaging him again. The more damaged he is, the bigger shield he gets. All around him, stealth vandals and captains spawn.
Tell me what you think about this idea ^.^
My idea was: A giant Archon Priest (that's pretty much a given) being shielded by two giant Servitors (think Sepiks Prime). Fireteam has to split into two groups and disable the Servitors simultaneously to drop the Archon's shield, then you get a 20 second window to do damage to him before the Servitors recharge.
An archon-prime servitor cyborg
The rocket yard captain, that mo fo is like a boss as it is lol
Edited by Sylok's Defiler: 2/1/2015 11:11:31 PMThey should do something dark soulsish. It's a raid in the sense that at various points in the raid you have options to take out lesser ultra enemies, that once taken down will affect the final fight. Example: let's say the final boss is the wolf kell and he has supporting archons, artillery, and shields:one sub boss is a prime servitor with a unique attack that's tough to kill, but killing it means that the final boss won't have shields. Destroying a fallen plant or cell means there won't be as much artillery during the fight ( shanks, pikes, walkers). Fighting yur way to a certain area and closing a gate means you will have a few less archons do deal with. What would be cool for the hard raid, or even the normal raid is that you can do 1 of the three actions only and have little to no consequences. Doing two of the three ( the gate and the factory) means the boss will have minimal support during the fight, but his shields will be harder to take down. You won't be able to do all three. Bump this so its implemented in a future raid
Big ass skank with like two servitor cannons AND more machine guns than a regular skank plus it can spawn in regular skanks like the devil walker
Giant vandal, looks exactly like crota/Atheon but brown. I'd be happy if they went something completely different like a giant skank or fallen walker
Giant Captain? That's what they were going to do anyways. Just not as creative as you would.
I would be fine with better, stronger, smarter, better dressed Randal. And level 3 spider walkers dropped like dregs.
The head of the house alongside a devil walker
It'll be a giant shank LOL
Fear Greg the dreg....
Giant captain
Realy large captains and servitors, or maybe have to kill 3 devil walkers at the same time and they have sheilds o_O
giant shank
Its a giant shank the size of a walker with arms it has all three element sheilds the fire team have to stand in a line whip out their flesh weasels (everyone already knows the button combo for this) a large exclamation mark appears above its head called the relic it then covers its eyes allowing your fire team to attack
1st boss: a giant servitor that rolls around on the ground. 2nd boss: a giant dreg named Greg, riding on a shank named hank.
A giant randal the vandal !!!!
All content has already been created. No room for user opinions or ideas. Just dish out the cash and be happy.